Traceability Criteria

Towards full traceability of professional fishing and fish trade.

Professional glass eel fishing in France is one of the best controlled. From its capture, landing, transport to the fish monger, storage and transport to the end user for consumption and restocking. 

Of course, there is and always will be some frauds, given the price paid by the Asian market for this fry, which is five times higher than that paid by the European market, but this has always been tackled by the French eel industry and the AFPMAR has made as a major objective the transparency of the activity of its members and the trade that this generates.  The attached diagram shows schematically the different stages of control that the fisherman and the fishmonger undergo from catch to sale to the end user.   

At the end of the fishing trip, the professional must immediately and before any transport fill in his fishing log book indicating the weight (measured to the nearest 10%), his fishing location, the use of the product (consumption or restocking) and the place of landing of his catch: address of the fishmonger or of his temporary storage location. The catch is weighed at the wholesaler's after draining, and the wholesaler issues a delivery note indicating the weight, the price per kg and the fishing form number(s) corresponding to the weighed batch, which is taken either from the consumption quota or the restocking quota. The wholesaler stores the glass eels in one or more tanks and must account for mortality and deduct the loss of weight due to the glass eels' emaciation. As soon as an order is made by an end user for consumption or restocking, the quantity requested is taken from the stock in place and deducted from the consumption or restocking stock depending on the nature of the order. Under no circumstances may a fish trader take glass eels from the restocking stock to meet an order for consumption and vice versa. The fish trader then draws up a delivery note establishing the price per kg and the quantity delivered to the buyer, together with a list indicating the numbered fishing sheets used to fulfil the order. These documents are then entered into a TRACES file on delivery to the buyer.