
Good catches continuing with glass-eels of incredible quality

On the Loire upstream of Cordemais in the ‘mas’ sector, a professional fisherman tells us about his fishing trip. Upstream of the Loire estuary, above the Cordemais power station, the location of which is marked by a yellow rectangle on the map. High-quality glass eels caught by an AFPMAR fisherman. Glass eels with well-developed pigment

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Call for tenders to purchase glass eels rejected by Brandenburg state administration

“The string was a little too thick“: a call for tenders for the restocking of eels, using public funds that were too prominently targeted at one applicant, was declared illegal by the Brandenburg state administration. The Facts This call for tenders, drafted by the President of the Initiative for the Promotion of European Eel, a

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Let’s take back control of our eel fishing sector

Foreword AFPMAR’s aim is to promote the French eel fishing industry as a whole, including both fishermen and fish traders. Our ethics and morals require us to state the facts objectively. Those involved in the eel fishing sector need to know what is really happening on the market for restocking glass eels in Europe. Prices

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An example of fishing trip that illustrates the quality and traceability of the glass eel caught by AFPMAR members.

As night fell, a small fishing boat is slicing through the waters of the Loire estuary, moving slightly upstream of the Cordemais power station. On the Loire, which has a turbid estuary, there’s no need to wait until nightfall to start fishing. The turbidity of the water prevents light, especially on cloudy days, from

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Glass eel season 2025: all the indications suggest that they will return in abundance

Cordons of glass eels can be seen along the quays in Bordeaux, fishing is abundant just about everywhere, and consumption quotas have been reached in just a few days in many catchment areas. Everything seems to indicate that the glass eel is returning in abundance. Of course, we need to take into account the impact

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A single quality standard for glass eels used for restocking in France: that defined by the guide to good practice for fishing and restocking.

The first restocking in 2025 was carried out in the south-west of France on the Biscarosse – Parentis lake (see our previous news item) under the coordination of the CRPMEM of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes des Pêches et des Elevages Marins). The glass eels came from both fluvial and marine fisheries, fished with

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950,000 AFPMAR brand glass eels released into the rivers of the Rhineland Palatinate (Germany)

950,000 glass eels (300 kg) caught in south-west France by professional fishermen belonging to the AFPMAR brand were stored and then transported by the Société de Mareyage Aguirrebarrena, an AFPMAR member company. The glass eels were stocked in the Rhine, Moselle and Saar rivers under the supervision of Mr Wolfgang Treiss (Chairman of the Managing

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In 2025, a first release of glass eels into Lake Biscarosse-Parentis (Southwestern part of France)

On 15 January 2025, the first glass eel was released into the Biscarosse – Parentis lake in the Landes region of France (Southwestern part of France). 300 kg of glass eels in excellent condition were stocked. The New-Aquitania CRPMEM (Regional Organisation for Marine Fisheries) was in charge of the restocking project, which was supported by

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The AFPMAR publishes its Standard

The European eel fishery is one of the most regulated and controlled professional fisheries in France by national services and administrations. The AFPMAR standard describes all the criteria and controls applied to the glass eel fishery. In addition to the regulatory controls carried out by the various administrations from capture to sale to the end

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AFPMAR in the German fisheries press

In volume 4 of 2024 of the German magazine ‘Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg – Vorpommern’ Patrick Prouzet reports on the current state of glass eel fishing in France. Fischereizeitung-4_web see page 42. In particular, it points out that the decline in the number of glass eels originating from the leptocephalan larvae from eel reproduction

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