
At last, a little more coherence and a global vision from the European Union on eels

Recognition of the role and importance of fishing for the recovery of the species The text Pg_TAC(2023)0411 concerning the implementation of the regulation establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel was published on 21/11/2023 and will now be sent to the Council and the European Commission. This text contains several important

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Glass eel fishing season 2023-2024: an exceptional beginning for the Adour river

The start of the fishing season on the Adour, in both the lower and upper parts of the estuary, has been characterised by large catches of glass eels. The consumption quota should be reached quickly on that catchment, at least in the maritime zone (lower part of the estuary).

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Harvesting of glass eels for 2023-2024 has begun on the Adour river The Aguirrebarrena company is collecting the first glass eels of the 2023-2024 season on the Adour. The slightly dark colour of these fry shows that they have spent some time in the estuary. This does not prevent them from behaving well in the tank while awaiting their next sale.

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A sharp migration of glass-eels on the Adour catchment

The figure above shows the trend in catches per trip recorded in the Adour estuary. This long series shows that the increase in glass eel recruitment observed from the 2012/2013 fishing season is significant. It comes after a drop in recruitment observed from the 2000/2001 fishing season. The average level of catches per trip by

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More than 200 boats have joined the AFPMAR

More than 200 fishing boats (207 to be precise) are now members of the A.F.P.M.A.R. and thus actively participate in the dynamics of the eel sector not only in France, but also in Europe. Their productions are used to supply eel restocking actions in many countries: France, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Poland, ….

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Another glass eel restocking in Germany

The company Aguirrebarrena has just sent 644 kg of glass eels to Berlin to seed German waters. A short summary of the operation in pictures.

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A demagogic management

Enough is enough! Demagogic decisions are raining down more and more on the world of professional maritime, estuarine and continental fishing in the name of so-called resource protection. After the eel, the dolphins in the name of a precautionary principle, a convenient excuse to forget the failure of the Member States and the European Union

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Glass eel fishing and Restocking in the “Hauts de France” (Document of the Regional Committee for Marine Fisheries of Hauts de France)

This short film shows the practice of glass eel fishing with push sieves in the “Hauts de France”. The glass eels are fished at low speed with sieves that fish closed to the water surface and then are collected on a grid that allows the glass eels to be sorted from by-catches and plant debris.

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In Germany the new constraints on fishing are not accepted while nothing is done as in France on the restoration of aquatic habitats

Translation of an article published in the magazine of the DFV association (Deutscher – Fischerei Verband) The eel fishing ban unilaterally disadvantages German fisheries. Neighbouring countries are allowed to catch eels that German fishermen have to let swim. At a time when eel stocks are on the rise, the measure is insufficiently justified. On 7

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Nearly 160 glass eel fishing enterprises registered with the AFPMAR

At the beginning of March 2023, professional fishermen continue to join the AFPMAR. 158 companies belonging to all the Eel Management Units of the Atlantic coast have joined the ranks of the association to demonstrate their commitment to responsible fishing, to the defence of the species and to their activity, which is essential for the

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