Good catches continuing with glass-eels of incredible quality

On the Loire upstream of Cordemais in the ‘mas’ sector, a professional fisherman tells us about his fishing trip.

Upstream of the Loire estuary, above the Cordemais power station, the location of which is marked by a yellow rectangle on the map.

High-quality glass eels caught by an AFPMAR fisherman.

Glass eels with well-developed pigment spots on the head and along the spinal column. Scientists speak of the beginning of ‘stage VI’.

After fishing and filling in the fishing form, on the way to the storage unit for accurate weighing and the sale of the glass eels.

Each box contains around 2kg.

Fish are crated before being stored in tanks.
First the draining cone to weigh as accurately as possible, but without removing too much of the glass eel's mucus so as not to strip them of this protective layer.
Note the abundant mucus which helps the glass eel to resist exsondation.