On 15 January 2025, the first glass eel was released into the Biscarosse – Parentis lake in the Landes region of France (Southwestern part of France). 300 kg of glass eels in excellent condition were stocked. The New-Aquitania CRPMEM (Regional Organisation for Marine Fisheries) was in charge of the restocking project, which was supported by European funding. It should be noted that the price allocated to the fishermen was €260, i.e. much higher than the price allocated on the European market, for which prices of €150 per fisherman are announced!
Fishermen and inland professional fishers helped to supply the stock, as did the companies Aguirrebarrena (AFPMAR brand) and Gurruchaga (SEG label).
The releases were carried out under supervision of the “Gendarmerie Nationale” and the “Affaires Maritimes”. However, the French Office for Biodiversity was not present.
The technical aspects of the release were organised by Regional Committee of Marine Fishers of New Aquitania and Association of Inland Professionnal Fishers of the Adour Catchment.