At last, a little more coherence and a global vision from the European Union on eels

Recognition of the role and importance of fishing for the recovery of the species

The text Pg_TAC(2023)0411 concerning the implementation of the regulation establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel was published on 21/11/2023 and will now be sent to the Council and the European Commission.

This text contains several important points:

  • It is agreed that the Eel Regulation (Regulation 1100/2007) is the most appropriate instrument for the restoration of the species.
  • It was recalled that this regulation is at the core of the management policy, guaranteeing a global and coherent approach that also provides for the full implementation of measures in other relevant areas outside of fisheries.
  • Scepticism was expressed about a return to pristine conditions, and the main objective of the plan remained to reduce mortality in order to allow the species to recover.
  • The decline in the recruitment of the species (glass eels and yellow eels) has been halted, but the stock remains at a low level of abundance and its recovery will take time, with a restoration process lasting several decades.
  • Management of this stock is complex and cannot be simplified to the level used for marine species for which fishing remains the main adjustment variable.

Governance and implementation of the management plan.

  • The text is criticised for the lack of mechanisms for monitoring the actions taken under the national eel management plans.
  • It calls for the creation of an ad hoc expert group with all the stakeholders involved.
  • It notes that the communication of data is incomplete and does not allow the most appropriate management measures to be taken.

Regarding measures in the eel sector.

  • It emphasises the important role that the fishing industry plays for society in social, economic and cultural terms. Fishermen are essential to environmental monitoring and to gathering the data needed to manage this species.
  • It insists on the need to base any new restrictions on fishing on the best scientific advice available and on a prior analysis of the socio-economic impact of such measures.
  • It reaffirms that restocking is one of the measures needed in the short and medium term to resolve the problem of migratory barriers, which are one of the most damaging factors in eel mortality.
  • It encourages Member States to pursue trapping and transfer projects as well as assisted migration as a temporary solution for silver eel escapement.

Measures to tackle illegal trade and poaching

  • It stresses that improving transparency and traceability with regard to glass eels harvested is an important means of preventing illegal practices.

Note: on this point, AFPMAR relies on the traceability system developed in France by the authorities and detailed on the website.

Scientific research and standardisation of data collection

  • Stresses that there is a gap between the implementation of the Eel Regulation 1100/2007 and the ICES advice on fishing opportunities.
  • Underlines that data collection, monitoring and reporting should be harmonised and standardised so that data can be compared.
  • Recommends that commercial and recreational fisheries be involved in data collection and analysis.

Note: It is more than a pity that the many observations from the French glass eel fishing logbooks are not used on a recurring basis for the management of the species.