Code of Practice for Glass-eel

This charter was based on the experience of the eel sector, taking into account not only the experience of the fishermen: fishing time, sieve mesh size, pushing speed and means of storage on board, but also that of the wholesalers, who can validate or not the fishing and conservation practices on board by observing the quality of the glass eels in their storage tanks and the mortality after transport to the end user. While the hand sieve is the gear that gives the best results in terms of glass-eel quality, the anchored sieve is also a catching technique that produces a fish with a low mortality after fishing. The push sieve or the pibalour can also produce a quality glass-eel provided that the speed and time of pushing the fishing gear and its mesh size respect the indications defined by the code of good practices. The validation of the quality of the glass eels is carried out by the fish trader accredited by the brand and who is directly responsible for the quality of the glass eels supplied to the final buyer.

All the members of the brand obviously undertake to respect this charter, but also to provide information on the catches made (targeted and non-targeted) and to collaborate with the scientists involved in the management of this resource.